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Marina con ocaso pintada al óleo


Autor: Vladimir Iglesias Geraldo
Título: En el horizonte...  la luz
Técnica: Óleo sobre lienzo
Dimensiones: 75 x 109 cm
Disponibilidad: Obra disponible


Unknown ha dicho que…
Prezados amigos/ dear friends,
10 years ago I visited Cuba with Maestro Leo Brouwer with whom I developed 5 International Classic Guitar Festival in São Paulo, Brazil. In this occasion, Mto. Brouwer and wife granted me with a fabulous painting of a excellent contemporary artist peace.
Unfortunately I've forgotten his name and I want so badly to know it.
It is a great shame, but I have no courage to ask them....
Could you please help me to find the artist?
Would you have an email that I could send a picture of his piece?
I thank you all very much in advance. Annelise